NanoFreeze fridge designed for vaccine and medication storage and transportation. Thanks to its design and technology, a 72 hours of cooling cycle is achieved. The container’s holds up to 240 vaccines.

Materials were tested and selected for:
Longer cooling cycles (72 hours).
High resistance
Outstanding heat reflecting properties
The cooling system
In order to enhance the ice formations, a circular cooling system was created. A small diameter hose was created to hold up the bionanocompound with water and surrounds the contents inside of the fridge .
NanoFreeze designed multiple accessories for its fridge functionality and adaptability

The product includes a modular frame to facilitate the fridge positioning at inter spaces like hospitals, laboratories and transportation means. Its innovative ergonomic backpack allows vaccines transportation by walks, this in order to bring health items to the most remote places in the world.
This backpack can hold two fridges for a total of 480 vaccines, while its modular frame reduces energy consumption for refrigeration at hospitals and/or laboratories.
a Trl 5
functional prototype